Wednesday, August 1, 2007


When I first left college I was sad because I realized that it was the end of summer vacation. Then I thought about it and i never really had a summer vacation. I would actually work more in the summer than I did all year long. Every summer I would work 2 jobs almost 70 hours per week, just to save up enough money so that I didn't have to work all year long. With the exception of the one summer that I spent in plattsburgh. I wouldn't even go out all summer. I didn't spend any money because I would just work so much that I didn't even have time to do anything but work and sleep. Needless to say, this summer has been pretty intense. I'm finding a hard time just finding any free time because I have so much going on. And by this I don't mean that I'm working 70 hour weeks. I have been filling my weekends up so much with spending time with my friends going on weekend trips to see people. I've been having an amazing time. I think I prefer only working during the week and having weekends off to having a "summer vacation." I just thought I'd share that.

1 comment:

Sara said...

thanks for sharing =)