Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ramblings about nothing.....

I'm starting to get back into my normal life again... I'm trying to keep myself busy because when i'm not busy i tend to get very stir crazy. Laying around, relaxing on the couch is only fun for the first few hours, then i start to feel like a waste of life. So, i started running again, i'm still working my way back up to 4 miles, but so far so good. i am trying to eat healthy again and not so much junk food. The only reason I was eating junk food was because i was so busy and too lazy to bother with good healthy food. its a lot easier to run to a fast food place than prepare a nice and healthy meal that takes hours to cook and only 5 mins to eat. BUT, i'm trying this again regardless.

My summer is going fairly well. I've been cleaning a lot and refocusing my life back on work. I'm trying to get more organized. When i'm organized i feel much more at ease with my life and thats how i like it. My goal over the next few months is to work on saving my money. I've been putting money away and I haven't been shopping TOO much. But, my biggest problem is food. I eat out soo much. I can't help it. Its just so easy to go to a restaurant and get some take out than eat food. Even when i try to eat healthy, i just go to a restaurant and buy something healthy there. That, my friends is truly sucking up all of my money. So, new plan. Stop eating out. I have so many things that I want to do and want to buy, but I can't keep doing this when I eat out 2 meals a day every day. It just can't possibly work that way. With that said, I'm going to san fransisco in a couple of weeks and I couldn't be more excited. I've been wanting to go there for as long as i remember. I'm going to tour the city by myself the first two days, have dinner with my friend nick and then lacy and I are going to Yosemite park to go hiking! I can't wait!

August is half way over. I can't believe how fast this summer has gone by. I seriously feel like I left for Japan just last week. I have no idea where the time has gone. Luckily fall is always fun since its filled with so many holidays. I look forward to them. The holidays are my favorite time of year. Mainly because i love spending the time with my family. It just makes me feel great when everyone gets together and can just have a relaxing time, laying around, doing absolutely nothing but eating, eating, eating.. (i just realized that is one more reason that i should start working out now, so i can lose the weight, just to put it back on again during the holidays!!!)

All right, I've rambled on long enough now. I'm going to clean up a bit before I go to sleep. Good night.

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