Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung... Almost

The weather is getting much warmer and I am certainly looking forward to all that summer will bring. Right now I have a lot and nothing going on at the same time. We went on vacation a few weeks ago. A cruise to Mexico with Sara and Jon. It was amazing. We had a wonderful time, Jon and Jimmy got along great which was awesome and I had so much fun spending a week with my best friend before she heads off to the Peace Corps for two years. Her and Jon don't know where they will live when they get back, so it was especially important for me to get to spend time with her before this huge change. I plan on visiting them in Tanzania next July, now I'm faced with thinking ahead and saving up for the trip now since I have over a year to save.

Other than that things are pretty boring. Work is incredibly slow with half my team out of the office. I started a GMAT prep course which I'm half regretting, but half realizing that I have lost a lot of knowledge since leaving school. If going back to grad school is something that I am seriously going to consider then I need to really buckle down and put a lot of time and effort into this. That is something I'm not sure I'll be able to do.

I guess that is all for now. Nothing too exciting here, but I felt like writing anyways. Hopefully I'll have something more exciting to talk about in a few weeks!

Friday, January 7, 2011

How to Top 2010...

2010. It sure has been quite a year thats for sure. So much happened that it is difficult to wrap my brain around it. Shortly before 2010 began I was going through what I like to call a "quarter life crisis." I turned 25, I had recently broken up with my boyfriend, which in turn force me to question everything I had been doing with my life up until that moment. I began to question what I was actually trying to get out of life, where my life was going, and if after slowing down for a minute and looking around for a while, was it going in the direction I truly wanted? I decided that I needed to make some major changes and major changes are exactly what I accomplished. 2010 was an incredible year. I took chances and tried new things. I may still not know exactly what I want out of life, but I know that what I'm doing now is working for me. So, here is a list of what 2010 brought to my life and why it was one hell of a year:
  1. Tried new things: Snowboarding, Fishing, Shot a gun.
  2. Moved to a new place: New York City.
  3. Changed careers: Undertone
  4. Met new and amazing friends.
  5. Picked up an old but loved hobby: photography.
  6. Took chances.
  7. Started writing again.
There are probably more that I can't think of, but looking back this year has definitely seemed to fly by. I'm looking forward to what 2011 will bring to me. I'm looking forward to continue to try new things, meet new people, step outside of my comfort zone and not be afraid to take chances. I'm looking forward to getting more aquatinted with this city and my new job. I'm looking forward to networking more and hopefully finding out what it is exactly that I want to be "when I grow up." I'm sure I'll find out one of these days. Until then, I am happy where I am and am happy learning more and more each day.