Saturday, September 29, 2007

another year

i thoroughly enjoyed 22. it was a good year for me and i have to admit that i'm sad its ending. yeah, so it started out a bit rocky, but thats just part of life. all in all, i enjoyed being 22. i enjoyed saying i was 22. i enjoy the number 22. Everything about being 22 was just simply great. its like still young enough to get away with so many things, but old enough to do whatever you want to do. And so many great things happend this past year. I got an amazing job that I absolutely love, I went to Japan, I met some amazing new friends, and I got to visit and spend time with some old friends as well. I went to the west coast and saw san fransisco. I rode my bike across the golden gate bridge, 22 was an amazing year!! 23 is that much closer to adult hood. I mean yeah i am an adult now, but i'm still a young adult, still fresh to the world so its ok, it lets me get away with a lot of things. The older you get the more mature you have to become. The more responsible you have to become. and to be honest.... I'm just not so sure if I'm ready for all of that. I'm still in kid mode and I'm not sure that I'm ready to leave it. But I guess I have to right? Because, thats just part of life. Thats what happens, we get older, we get wiser, and we enjoy the journey as much as we can. I'm sure that 23 will be just as great of a year as 22 was. Actually, I know that it will!! So enough venting about turning 23.... I'm ready and its going to be great, so here we go...................

1 comment:

Sara said...

and here I am turning 24 in less than a month. But, I'm still trying to avoid the real world! Hope your bday was awesome! Can't wait to talk and hear about it! xoox