Friday, March 16, 2007


I've had a crazy week. I finally got to sit down and relax for the first time since monday, except not for long, because i now have some crazy cleaning to do this weekend! Things are looking up as of this week. I found that i'm much more calm and okay with things when they are hectic and busy. When i have a million things to do and not enough time to do them in, i feel much more at ease with life. Maybe thats because I feel like i have some kind of purpose to this all and i'm not just wasting away. Well its snowing out like crazy and i plan on laying on the couch and simply vegging out all night long. It would be nice however, to have someone to veg out with. Oh well.

So, like i said things are looking up. I have a feeling that the next few months are going to fly by. I'll be super busy with food shows every week and starting to do ride withs with the sales men. I have the wedding in may, then wildwood in june and JAPAN in July and then FINALLY summer!!! I've never looked more forward to summer in my entire life. Mainly because this will be the first summer that I'm not working every single day all day and never have time to do anything. I plan on going to the beach as much as possible, going up to my moms camp a few weekends, and going out in saratoga alll the time! I'll be able to, for the first time actually enjoy the summer and not have to worry about saving money for the school year.

I have a feeling that by this time next year i will be much more at ease with my life. Right now things are confusing, I don't know which way is up and i'm alway axious about something. However, i'm starting to settle in. I'm starting to relax and realize that i don't need to take certain things so seriously. i don't need to rush my life, i need to sit back and enjoy it at much as possible. i feel like i'm always in a rush for something and i don't know how to just slow down and enjoy the things around me. i mean, i'm young i should enjoy being young before its gone and i'm wondering where it went. to be honest, i don't even know what i'm in a rush for. I just always have that feeling of waiting and hoping that something will come fast.

With that said, I'm going to sit back and enjoy my first night off in a while and relax and enjoy the simple things in life. Like vegging out on the couch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, Im kind of jealous of you. You seem to have everything working out. when ever I have a job, if I can do it two weeks, the rest isn't a problem, then agian i've never had a corporate job and shit.Hey JC, don't know if I ever told you but Im really proud of you. Yeah pride and envy, I wish I was on your level and i'm happy that you're there. You rock lady.