Monday, November 30, 2009

Autumn Ending Fast...

Eventually, all of the pieces will fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason. I've been living by this quote the past several months. I feel like summer just ended yesterday. How is it that the summer seemed to have lasted FOREVER and Fall feels like it just started and is now over? I'm definitely feeling more at ease these days. After a hectic/chaotic summer I needed a break. I had to stop and breathe. I had to take some time to catch my breath. That is exactly what I have been doing. So far, so good. Still waiting for those pieces to fall into place, but I'm definitely in no hurry at all.
I've been living in the moment and trying my best to enjoy each day as it comes to me. I've been very busy this fall, traveling a lot. Seeing my friends and keeping out of trouble for sure. Working hard and trying to refocus and get organized. I'm getting a new roommate and couldn't be more excited. I'm hoping to pay off lots of debt and begin to save money for my next adventure. What exactly is that next adventure? Who knows. So many options, so many choices. All that can be decided when the time is right.

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